Thursday, March 19, 2009

Why Washington Worries...

Given our current standing in the world-the only superpower- Why are foreign relations so difficult? What has happened that makes it so tough? Should Pre. Obama continue to change foreign policy? Why or why not? use examples from article.

Foreign relations are so difficult because there is way to many gray areas for everything to work and fall throw as they where ment to be put together. no one really want to trust foreign country's with stuff after what has happened to America. American has had some very hard time and it makes it tough for really anyone to accept it.

I think the reason why its so hard for us is after September 11th. Foreign country's and people where the ones that did that and has scared America for life. That was 7 years ago and we are still haven't issues because of it. WE have more restrictions more things we cant do. We as Americans have to have passes and other things to be able to even cross our own dams now. Flying on plans there is more and more security and things you cant take and how big things can be. its just pathetic all cause a foreign country did something to NY.

He should but he shouldn't all at the same time its not right to have all these laws and policy's for them but then again American really does not need to have another tragic thing like 9/11 again. by reading to article I'm not sure what i can use of it to say as it kind of confused me but this is what i think about all this. Obama has some big shoes to fill right now and hes doing his best to try and please everyone and that's going to be next to impossible to do. he is doing a great job after following bush.

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