Monday, March 9, 2009

Euthinasia in humans! reviews

author's name, title of article, title of website, date you found it, web address.

Mahjabeen Hassan

Euthanasia: Should humans be given the right to play God?


March 5,2009

Lindsey Russell

Euthanasia - Should Animals and Humans Be Treated Differently?

Associated Content

March 5,2009

Kat Yares

What is Euthanasia?

Wise geek

March 11, 2009

Dick Sobsey,University of Alberta Developmental Disabilities CentreandGregor Wolbring

"A Background Paper Prepared for The Premier's Council on The Status of Persons with Disabilities "

Bio ethics and Disability

March 11, 2009

George Zdenkowski

Human Rights and Euthanasia

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

March 11, 2009

this one is blocked at the school.... i dont know why it has information about my reashearch paper.

places i have went to read what other peopel feel about euthanasia:

Jehovahs Witness

Euthanasia for humans, is it right or wrong?

March 11, 2009

1 comment:

Debate blog - Julio said...

I think that the dignity and the "human being" has much to do on this issue. When you lose to be in irreversible physical suffering.
I recommend a movie on this subject that I think this chart like no other. Dr Death starring Al Pacino.
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