Thursday, March 5, 2009

Euthinasia in humans!
this web page is about if humans have the right to play god. "Euthanasia gives physicians, who are only humans-the right to murder. Doctors are people who we trust to save and cure us, we regard them as the people who have been trained to save our lives but euthanasia gives doctors the opportunity to play God and most seize this opportunity. "
a really really bold point that is in this artical is "Humans and animals should be treated equally in regards to euthanasia for a number of reasons, including the right of both animals and humans to die with dignity, the need for practical laws regarding euthanasia in both cases, and the economic consequences of treating humans and animals with terminal illnesses" humans and animals should be treated the same. THey both have a life and when its there time and they get that sick and are in need of it without dealing with the paint the whole time to get better why just let them pick if they want to die and not suffer and be in pain...

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