Monday, March 16, 2009


Based on the article and your own experience, What should be changed to help immigrant student assimilate? what could you change here to help an immigrant student assimilate? 4 paragraphs.

People sound really learn to not be so rude. I think there should be a rule at school about being racism and saying stuff bad about someone cause what they look like or where they are from. I walk around school all the time and here a bunch of people make fun of Mexicans or Indians anyone with different colored skin. I know how they feel as I am Indian and people making fun of them I think is really really rude cause there a lot of people out there that take there culture very serious and its very offensives to them. The reason a lot of people from other states, cultures, places, anything don't want to go to a public school is all about the kids and how rude they are and they are scared of what they are going to say about them or to them or for that matter what they would do to them.

If I could change the way people treated immigrants the first thing I would change is everyone is treated the same cause the teachers don't help half the times cause they don't realize it but they do treat people differently cause what they look like or how they talk its not there fault so why do we have to right to judge some one just cause what they look like? We all have feelings and they have to make a wall to block out what people say to them just cause there culture or what they look like.

I watched a motivational speaker not to long ago and he was talking about how he thinks everyone should be like superman how he’s like a man of steel and bullets bounce off of him we all have to think about our self's like that what ever people say to you just think your superman and "ding" it bounces right off. People are really mean and cruel to one another and sometimes you just kind of have to keep your head high and say hey thanks for noticing I'm glad you pay attention to me enough to notice and shake there hand and walk away. If you see some one being picked on or bullied stop it put your self in there shoes how would you feel if that was being done to you? that's a big question you have to think about before you say anything.

The world is getting bigger and they sayings and stuff is getting worse and worse. Do you want to make a difference? Start by treating other people with respect and letting them know where not alone cause you never know how things could be at home or behind the scenes on top of all the stuff "YOU" do to them as in everyone. Immigrants have just as much right to live in America as we do why do we have to treat them so bad?

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