Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thinker or a Doer?

Are you a thinker or a doer? How would you like to be different or would you like to be different?

At times I am a thinker but then again I can be a doer. Sports I am a doer. I just react by my gut feeling and trust that and don't think what could happen next. Softball I just do anything I can to stop the ball and run and slide and dive and just do it then after the fact I end up with scares and bruises.

At other times I'm a thinker with hunting and driving and much other tings I think before I do anything. With hunting you kind of have to. You don't want to be the person you read in the paper about killing someone out in the woods. You have to follow the laws and think before you react. There is times everyone will over think things and then its a ad thing as that will get you no place.

There has been plenty times I wish I thought before I just did something as it ended with me being hurt or something bad happening. Then there's times I'm glad I'm the way I am as if I wanted I wouldn't be who I am. Those are the hard things to try and say I want to be different. If I changed my self for one person I completely change my self for everyone else.

I like the way I am I just wish sometimes I did just do stuff before I thought about it as I have talked my self out of something I should not have passed up. If I could change me and be different the only thing id want to change would be not so much a doer and have a happy medium of thinking and doing.

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