Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Great ones

King claudius states" madness in great ones must not unwatched go." How true is this on any age? What evidence can you find in recent news stories to supposrt this statement? How do societies keep checks and balances on their " great ones"?

"King claudius declares that he will send Hamlet to England, in the hope that a change of scenery might help him get over his troubles. Polonius agrees that this is a good idea, but he still believes that Hamlet’s agitation comes from loving Ophelia. He asks Claudius to send Hamlet to Gertrude’s chamber after the play, where Polonius can hide again and watch unseen; he hopes to learn whether Hamlet is really mad with love. Claudius agrees, saying that “madness in great ones” must be carefully watched."

Everything keeps changing in the society where everything has got bad. Even some one liking someone if your some one famous everyone knows everything about you. It got really pathetic. i really thing its stupid that peopel get told they cant see someone. If they like them they got all rights to be with them if they want to. I dont see why people these days are so weird about that.

Society had cameras and video recorders following them around. I think its so stupid they should be able to live a normal life just like everyone else cause they are normal people just like you and I are. Love can take you very many ways. You jsut have to follow your heart.

Im not sure what else to say as the book to me was very very confusing. All i know was hamlet is in love with Ophelia and no one understand why.

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