Thursday, November 20, 2008

Program honored for getting kids interested in college

After reading this, answer the following on your blog: why is this important? Compared to the statewide average, how many people in Shasta city have post high school degrees? Why do you think there is such a difference? Be specific!

Its important as more and more kids are getting involved and going to college. As of 2003 college application submissions from the area have increased 33 percent. At the same time Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) submissions have gone up 27%. Over the past 4 years everything have increased 67%. That is great news for schools as more and more kids are getting involved and going to college.

The difference in the statewide and Shasta county may look like a lot but with Shasta county being smaller its impressive to see how many people actually have got a post high school degree. I think there is such a difference as a lot of people in Shasta county have been taught that having a degree is a good thing and without it getting a job is hard.

The teachers in Shasta county and the people that run the school make it so much easier to understand about the college connections and that stuff that it makes kids want to do it. As its not so com placated to do. We have many opportunities to be able to go to college and its almost stupid of us not to take it.

That being said shows why the percentage in Shasta county is higher than most and at a pretty good average.

Shasta county- 18.8% statewide 29.5%

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