Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Heroes

Who are 3 of my heroes?

John Hinote- Hes my grandpa. hes my hero because hes a diabetic and has Parkinson's and don't let either of those slow him down from being him. Hes know and tall tails cause hes always go a story to tell and so many people love him. The day my grandpa lets everything catch up with him or died will be a very sad day for me. Hes been there for my threw everything. Between school, hunting, old friend, new friend , hard times and good ones and sad ones too. there is never a day being with him gets old. I love my grandpa and i really respect him. Hes one of my heroes because he don't let anything get in the way, always makes time for everyone, and will do anything for anyone just to see them smile. Most people do not like my grandpa cause he is honest but i look up to him for it he wont sugar coat things and make them sound better then it is.

David Thompson- This guy was my friend over summer. He was there for me when no one else was. His step mom Linda(witch i also consider my hero) runs a safe haven horses rescue off West Anderson drive. I went down there almost all summer cause I had a lot on my mind and I just wanted to get away and be around horses means how Ive always wanted one. Well one day I was down there David came down and we became friend. He was always there for me and watched out for me. I had some really hard time over this summer between my family fighting and not getting along to problems with a guy. He was always there to sit there and listen to me go on and on about everything. I felt bad for him. But i really respect the fact he just sat there and listened to me. hes one of my heroes because he was there for me when no one else was and was always happy to see me smile. I own him.

Dianne Hinote- My MOM! I don't know what i would ever do without her. She goes threw so much stuff just to see me or my sister happy and some times me and aarica kind of go over board with that. I always tell her I'm sorry. she'll just look at me and say "i know its ok you know i love you". I consider her my hero because she puts off everything she wants to do to make everyone else happy. I love my mom!

Josh Gray- Hes been one of my best friend for a while and he moved to Utah a while back. I was sad to see him go. Well over the summer something completely unexpected happened. He came down here to visit and when he went home he was in for a shock of his life. I don't know how he did it. How he just kind of excepted it and started moving on and supporting him and his mom both after this tragic accident but he still stayed strong and hasn't let it affect who he is. I consider him a hero to me cause if i lost anyone i loved in my family i wouldn't be able to just let it go. I lost my dog a few years back and i still don't want to accept it. He's my hero and he'll always be my hero.

it was supose to be 3 but i couldent pick between one or the other so i put all 4.

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