Friday, September 12, 2008

how to fight binge drinking

Explain why you agree or disagree with the idea of lowering the drinking age to 18. Might it work? How?

"Lowering the drinking age might help take the edge off the wildness" said Evan Thomas from Newsweek web exclusive. In this case he is right. If we where to lower the drinking age it wouldn't be a big hassle for everyone else and kids sneaking around doing it anyways. The age of 18 is not as far away from the end of high school as 21 . Most people think just cause there out of high school going to college means its time to party and they get in trouble and the education and everything goes out the window cause all there worried about it partying. If the age limit did change just cause there out of high school it wouldn't be as big of a deal cause they could do it be for hand.

In other words," Mothers Against Drunk Driving raised the drinking age to 21 in the early '80s when statistics showed the age- 18 drinking led to more highway deaths." That is one major thing to think about. Is an 18yr old seriously capable enough to handle that? There are places that it is legal for an 18 yr old to drink and they have had so many problems with std's, teenage births, deaths, brain damage, lived damage, and so much more. Ya drinking younger may sound absolutely great to all of us, but is it really worth dieing for?

To many people think that lowering the drinking age will make more kids more responsible for what they do. I think it will do just the opposite. I think they will not care about anything and be totally stuck up and not care about anything other than drinking. Kids will start not wanting to go to school they will want to party instead. To all the kids i know they will say that's awsome but no its really not. Your not cool just cause you can drink you need to learn there is more things in life than just braking all the rules and becoming a high school drop out and work at McDonald's all your life. Does that sound like fun to you? Well to me it don't. I don't think destroying my life by drinking and partying will help me in any way shape or form.

At the age of 18, ya our parents are not responsible for us anymore where considered a adult we can but cigarettes, chew, cigars, and that nasty stuff. So why shouldn't the drinking age be down that low? I don't get why they even allow an 18 year old to buy those things in the first place. Whats it doing for us? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! giving us cancer and killing our lungs. There's more to life than that. I mean ya it can work cause we can but everything else anyways but i don't think its right i think we shouldn't be able to buy anything tell where at least 20.

Its the same thing like smoking pot. People will find any way shape or form to get a script so they can smoke and they use that as an excuse. If they are going to let some people smoke it then why not everyone else? I don't get this society. They need to make one age limit for everything or if not one at all. If you where to lower the drinking age I think it will get kids to start trying to drink at a younger age I mean right now high schools think its cool to drink we lower the age well be promoting it to the middle schools. I don't think its a good idea to lower it even though I know everyone would love it.

Do you want this to happen to your kid?
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

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