Wednesday, September 24, 2008

after high school

After high school I want to go to butte college. Its not that far away and I could still come home if I needed to. I want to be out on my own and try to do things by my self thats why I want to go to school in chico. I want to become a vet tech or vetrinarian as aniamls is my passion. Besides chico state is one of the most ag majored schools localy in CA. So from butte I might go to chico state but I might go out of state. I'm not completly sure what I want to do as of right now though. I'm still trying to put my feet on the ground in what I want to do with my life.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nice Bailout; Now pay for it.

Should we bail them out? Why or why not?

I dont think we should bail them out. If some other company where to do the same thing we would feel obligated to do the same thing for them. It would put us way over our heads in this. What's another few hundred billion dollars of debt on top of a national debt that already reaches $9.7 trillion. Do we really need to make that number any higher? People really ned to pick what they start really wisely if they cant pay for it then dont do it. Thats what i have to said about that. So, about bailing them out i say no. Thats there problem not ours.

Friday, September 12, 2008

how to fight binge drinking

Explain why you agree or disagree with the idea of lowering the drinking age to 18. Might it work? How?

"Lowering the drinking age might help take the edge off the wildness" said Evan Thomas from Newsweek web exclusive. In this case he is right. If we where to lower the drinking age it wouldn't be a big hassle for everyone else and kids sneaking around doing it anyways. The age of 18 is not as far away from the end of high school as 21 . Most people think just cause there out of high school going to college means its time to party and they get in trouble and the education and everything goes out the window cause all there worried about it partying. If the age limit did change just cause there out of high school it wouldn't be as big of a deal cause they could do it be for hand.

In other words," Mothers Against Drunk Driving raised the drinking age to 21 in the early '80s when statistics showed the age- 18 drinking led to more highway deaths." That is one major thing to think about. Is an 18yr old seriously capable enough to handle that? There are places that it is legal for an 18 yr old to drink and they have had so many problems with std's, teenage births, deaths, brain damage, lived damage, and so much more. Ya drinking younger may sound absolutely great to all of us, but is it really worth dieing for?

To many people think that lowering the drinking age will make more kids more responsible for what they do. I think it will do just the opposite. I think they will not care about anything and be totally stuck up and not care about anything other than drinking. Kids will start not wanting to go to school they will want to party instead. To all the kids i know they will say that's awsome but no its really not. Your not cool just cause you can drink you need to learn there is more things in life than just braking all the rules and becoming a high school drop out and work at McDonald's all your life. Does that sound like fun to you? Well to me it don't. I don't think destroying my life by drinking and partying will help me in any way shape or form.

At the age of 18, ya our parents are not responsible for us anymore where considered a adult we can but cigarettes, chew, cigars, and that nasty stuff. So why shouldn't the drinking age be down that low? I don't get why they even allow an 18 year old to buy those things in the first place. Whats it doing for us? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! giving us cancer and killing our lungs. There's more to life than that. I mean ya it can work cause we can but everything else anyways but i don't think its right i think we shouldn't be able to buy anything tell where at least 20.

Its the same thing like smoking pot. People will find any way shape or form to get a script so they can smoke and they use that as an excuse. If they are going to let some people smoke it then why not everyone else? I don't get this society. They need to make one age limit for everything or if not one at all. If you where to lower the drinking age I think it will get kids to start trying to drink at a younger age I mean right now high schools think its cool to drink we lower the age well be promoting it to the middle schools. I don't think its a good idea to lower it even though I know everyone would love it.

Do you want this to happen to your kid?
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Price of Our Addiction

This article, writen in '06, advises getting started on an alternate energy plan. Have we done that? Are we close to having a solid energy plan? What should we do? have you and your family changed driving habits? Heating? Finally, what do you see as the best alternative?

We have tried many different ways to change how we do things. Like we have electronical cars now. We have tryed different ways to find oil and or mkae a substance thats like oil. with gas prices the way they are its got really bad. we are trying to have a solid energy plan but we keep catching glitches in the system. we need to stop waiting so much gas and oil. my family has kind of changed the way we do things but we still drive a lot and ride our dirtbikes. with heating we have changed a lot we dont use the heater as much we just get blankets and cloths.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Big Bang

Is the potential downside worth the risk with the LHC? In other words should scientists continue with turning it on?

Is it really worth the risk of destroying the whole earth by it not working right and it not being able to be stoped? After all the money they have spent on it they really should try to finish what they satarted but is it really worth it ? No, not in my opinion on this is no its not worth the possability of destroying everyones life because the want to creat the "big bang". With all the money losses and the economy so bad right now and us paying taxes for them to do this our taxes can go to something that wont potentialy wipe us all out. Its a great idea but not at a really great time for this to be done. I think they should hold off a while tell they come up with everything and make sure thereri s no glitches in the system so it can be shut off if something totally bad where to happen. This could be potincialy a really good thing but with the factor of one wrong thing that goes on the world being destroyed kind of makes you want to think about it a lot more than anythnig else.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Knights of the Round Table

look up the details about the arthurian character assigned to you and tell me about him/her. Include a picture/painting of how you think he/she might have looked.

"The Green Knight"

The green knight was a character featured in the poem "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" (fourteenth century). A mysterious visitor to Camelot. The Green Knight was huge , wild appearance, and green complexion which set him apart from everyone elses in Arthur's Camelot. He says that he comes in friendship and does not wanting to fight. The friendly game he proposes is quite deadly. He holds everyone to there word. If you say something he will hold you to it. Sir Gawain has to go to great lengths to hold up his end of their bargain. The Green Knight shows himself to be not human when he picks up his own head that was cut off and rides out of Arthur's court, still talking to everyone. The green knight then gives Gawain a year to find his home an live a little before the cut is returned. At the end of the poem, we where told that the Green Knight is also Bertilak, where Gawain was staying trainer, and one of Morgan le Faye's minions.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Heroes

Who are 3 of my heroes?

John Hinote- Hes my grandpa. hes my hero because hes a diabetic and has Parkinson's and don't let either of those slow him down from being him. Hes know and tall tails cause hes always go a story to tell and so many people love him. The day my grandpa lets everything catch up with him or died will be a very sad day for me. Hes been there for my threw everything. Between school, hunting, old friend, new friend , hard times and good ones and sad ones too. there is never a day being with him gets old. I love my grandpa and i really respect him. Hes one of my heroes because he don't let anything get in the way, always makes time for everyone, and will do anything for anyone just to see them smile. Most people do not like my grandpa cause he is honest but i look up to him for it he wont sugar coat things and make them sound better then it is.

David Thompson- This guy was my friend over summer. He was there for me when no one else was. His step mom Linda(witch i also consider my hero) runs a safe haven horses rescue off West Anderson drive. I went down there almost all summer cause I had a lot on my mind and I just wanted to get away and be around horses means how Ive always wanted one. Well one day I was down there David came down and we became friend. He was always there for me and watched out for me. I had some really hard time over this summer between my family fighting and not getting along to problems with a guy. He was always there to sit there and listen to me go on and on about everything. I felt bad for him. But i really respect the fact he just sat there and listened to me. hes one of my heroes because he was there for me when no one else was and was always happy to see me smile. I own him.

Dianne Hinote- My MOM! I don't know what i would ever do without her. She goes threw so much stuff just to see me or my sister happy and some times me and aarica kind of go over board with that. I always tell her I'm sorry. she'll just look at me and say "i know its ok you know i love you". I consider her my hero because she puts off everything she wants to do to make everyone else happy. I love my mom!

Josh Gray- Hes been one of my best friend for a while and he moved to Utah a while back. I was sad to see him go. Well over the summer something completely unexpected happened. He came down here to visit and when he went home he was in for a shock of his life. I don't know how he did it. How he just kind of excepted it and started moving on and supporting him and his mom both after this tragic accident but he still stayed strong and hasn't let it affect who he is. I consider him a hero to me cause if i lost anyone i loved in my family i wouldn't be able to just let it go. I lost my dog a few years back and i still don't want to accept it. He's my hero and he'll always be my hero.

it was supose to be 3 but i couldent pick between one or the other so i put all 4.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


What does he learn from his battles with Grendel and Grendel's mother?

He learned his battle skills and learned how to fight. He learner he could die just like everyone else and he learned he could take on someone twise his size as long as he had the courage to do so he could win. He was revealed to be the strongest and best fighter around after he took on the grendel and the grendels mother and won.