Wednesday, April 22, 2009


is the writer correct? did you ever know today is earth day? what do you and/or your family do to help protect the earth?

The writer is correct in what he was saying. The earth needs to be protected. If we do not help protect our earth we may not have it much longer which would not be good at all. All the polutions are killing off food and making the air bad for us to breath. I honestly do not know what my family does for the earth besides we recycle and use stuff very wisely. It's very bad for me to say but I honestly dont think we really do anything. I have a bad thing I can share to prove im not sure what we do. I just got a car for my bday and it did not pass smog and got marked as a gross poluter which is not good but ive still drove it around to go to wal mart and holiday and back. Ya thats bad for the earth but I never really thought about it.

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