Thursday, April 30, 2009


who is the hero? Who are his/ her helper's? who is his/her mentor/threshold gardian? how has the hero changed by the end of the movie?

The hero in this movie is Luke Skywalker. for very many reason. The helpers he has are Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo,Chewbacca , R2-D2, C-3PO, and Princess Leia. Luke's mentor/ gardian is Obi-Wan Kenobi. He is the one watching out for him after his uncle and aunt where killed.Luke has changed a lot in thew fact he is not a jedi knight and he is finnaly learning the truth behind his dad and stuff that hes been liked to about almost all his life up tell the day he met Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke became a hero and saved a planed all casue he rememberd what he was told and used the force. Luke had to fight darth vader not knowing that he is his dad. No one knows that everyone thinks his dad is dead already.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


is the writer correct? did you ever know today is earth day? what do you and/or your family do to help protect the earth?

The writer is correct in what he was saying. The earth needs to be protected. If we do not help protect our earth we may not have it much longer which would not be good at all. All the polutions are killing off food and making the air bad for us to breath. I honestly do not know what my family does for the earth besides we recycle and use stuff very wisely. It's very bad for me to say but I honestly dont think we really do anything. I have a bad thing I can share to prove im not sure what we do. I just got a car for my bday and it did not pass smog and got marked as a gross poluter which is not good but ive still drove it around to go to wal mart and holiday and back. Ya thats bad for the earth but I never really thought about it.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Things NOT to Learn in School !!!

Of the 8 things NOT to learn in school- which have you learned? Give me an example of each one (no names) you learned. If you didnt learn any of the 8 lessons what helped you avoid them?

From the time i started school i was always told to do my best in everything and never relay on make ups and giving stuff half ass casue that will get you no place in life. My parents have raised me that way. so nothing on the 8 things have anything to do with me. Most everything i have seen friends or family learn the hard way and i rather not put my left there and id rather just do my best and get it over with and pay attention and get good grades and make schoola good thing in my life more than a wast of time.

Friday, April 3, 2009

economic problems.

People today are taking things very hard and there is a lot of people selling things for dirt cheap just to make money and pay off bills and get food. They are losing there homes, having to give away things they love that cost them to take care of such as animals. Nothing is like it use to be back then. Costs have gone up a lot and they are still climbing to this day.

My family is taking it very hard as my mom works at a school and my dads company got bought out and he might be losing his job that he started when he was 20. If they both lose there job mostly my dad we will have nothing. We have had to cut back on things we use to do like traveling and going riding and just kind of being wastefully. we sit at home and watch TV and go run and play softball more than anything anymore.

I have changed on not eating so much and only when I'm hungry. Drinking just water and milk when we get it. The only thing that really sucks for me with economy so bad my dads scared to buy me a car and then have him lose his job and Ive been looking for a job and no one is really looking for anyone right now. So my parents have to drive me everywhere I go and that is very expensive as they have to make two trips in stead of one.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Intellectual property

If the U.S. follows with a similar law, how could you be affected? What is "Intellectual property" and why is it important?

Any time you log on to the computer someone could be watching what your doing and if they make a law like that someone just about has free will to get on to your computer and go threw your stuff when they want to just cause they loged on to there site once. They should not make a law like that casue privace just went and flew out the window.

"Intellectual Property" is something at someone else does and you take it and take all the credit for it without paying for it. or what it says on its: Intellectual property is divided into two categories: Industrial property, which includes inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs, and geographic indications of source; and Copyright, which includes literary and artistic works such as novels, poems and plays, films, musical works, artistic works such as drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures, and architectural designs. Rights related to copyright include those of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms in their recordings, and those of broadcasters in their radio and television programs.

its important cause its like stealing from someone and taking all the credit for it.