Thursday, January 8, 2009

SOME Thing I have learned in school...

Never procrastinate! I have learned that very well. I have had to stay up tell like 4 in the morning just to be able to finish a project and it really stinks cause then you have to wake your self up and still go to school at the same time in the morning. My sophomore year was the worst. It was the year I just didn't really care about anything so I just waited tell the last day to do anything. Then I realized my grades where slipping and I needed to get my act together and get my stuff done and make them a lot better than I was doing them. So up tell my sophomore year I procrastinated everything.

Never copy someone else's home work! For you you don't learn anything and for to the homework's really isn't hard when you actually pay attention. :) I would always be to lazy to want to do it by my self so I would do half and a friend would do the other half but it wasn't to fun when you go to take a test and you only know part of it. Ya its an easy way out of doing your home work but its not worth it in the long run. Once again after my sophomore year I haven't done that at all. Once you grow up and face the facts you realize how stupid what you where doing was. If it wasn't for my friends failing classes and my grades slipping I would have probable still be doing it so that's another thing I have learned.

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