Thursday, January 22, 2009


I really dont go to the movies at all so I really dont remember what one was my favorite. The main one I really remember was twilight. The rest I cant remember waht I even saw in the movies compared to at my house. jumper was also a great movie i dont understand why that one wasent nominated. None of the movies that where nominated I have ever hurd about. So I really dont know what to even say. There was a bunch I wanted to go see but I never had time to go see them. "Marley and me" I read the book and I really wanted to go see the movie.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


According to pres Obama's inaugutal address, this is "a New era of responsibility" as nothing is so defining of character as " difficult times." In your blog, Tell me what this refers to nationally, locally, and to you personally.

Nationally this is pretty much saying we are in for a very ruff ride. Economy is really really bad. Everywhere you look places are closing and being shut down completly the whole string of businesses. People are loosing there jobs like crazy. Schools are being told they might be getting layed off or being payed with iou's. Ya its not all our fault that the government is losing money fast but it is our fault that we spend so much money on a bunch of stuff we really dont need and peaple losing there jobs its not there fault they just cant be payed for anymore. Life is getting ruff and we just got to take it and move on with it and find way 2 make it better more than worse.

Locally, it is effecting us pretty bad. There is absolutly like now work and if thre is you get minimun wage and less amount of hours as possable. Schools are struggling to make sure they will be payed. Obama it sdoing his best to bwe able to get everything done the way it shoulod be but it will take a lot for him to do all the things he is promising.

sorry i didnt post it yesterday i had to leave early for keyclub and i do not have the internet at my house anymore.. sorry

Thursday, January 8, 2009

SOME Thing I have learned in school...

Never procrastinate! I have learned that very well. I have had to stay up tell like 4 in the morning just to be able to finish a project and it really stinks cause then you have to wake your self up and still go to school at the same time in the morning. My sophomore year was the worst. It was the year I just didn't really care about anything so I just waited tell the last day to do anything. Then I realized my grades where slipping and I needed to get my act together and get my stuff done and make them a lot better than I was doing them. So up tell my sophomore year I procrastinated everything.

Never copy someone else's home work! For you you don't learn anything and for to the homework's really isn't hard when you actually pay attention. :) I would always be to lazy to want to do it by my self so I would do half and a friend would do the other half but it wasn't to fun when you go to take a test and you only know part of it. Ya its an easy way out of doing your home work but its not worth it in the long run. Once again after my sophomore year I haven't done that at all. Once you grow up and face the facts you realize how stupid what you where doing was. If it wasn't for my friends failing classes and my grades slipping I would have probable still be doing it so that's another thing I have learned.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Describe hamlets character.

Hamlet is right in the middle of all the drama and everything going on around him. Hamlet is melancholy, bitter, and cynical, full of hatred for his uncle’s scheming and disgust for his mother’s sexuality. Hamlet can be very causious about everything he does and always has to watch his back threw everything. hamlet hasent had a very good life so far after find out everything that has actually happend that no one ever told him about.