Thursday, May 7, 2009

community service

What did you do for community service? Why did you choose that? Describe the time you spent and what you did. Finally, what did you learn about helping others? What did you learn about yourself?

For my community service I got to be a landscaper, take down a shoe store, help at a track meet, and work at frosh orientation. The landscaping part was the hardest one of all just because the weather did not help one bit it would be perfectly sunny and nice and then out of no place start raining or being freezing. It was not to fun. I picked to do this one because it was something I like doing and a close family friend really wanted his yard done and my uncle (not related at all family Friend) owns a landscaping company. So it was a really fun thing that took a very long time. I got to learn about different kind of plants and flowers and where they would grow better and the sun where it would be best so it got more light or less. I would have had no idea there was a certain way you had to plant a rose bush that was half grown already so it wouldn't die on one side and be really pretty on the other. I learned it’s a really good thing to go and help others and not get payed for anything just to do it cause they want it done and you earn to be more respectful to others just because your helping them. I learned I'm actually not bad at being a helper and I am rally good at digging a whole cause I'm lower to the ground and smaller so it’s easy for me to do compared to taller people.

Shelly, manager of factory brand shoes, allowed me to come down to her work and take down some of the shelves at her store. A first it took forever cause we could not figure u how they came apart then we found a little clip thing you had to move and put over the top of a screw to be able to get them to move. That was an adventure all in its self. It took us about 7 hours to take apart five shelves. It was very sad. I relived, once again, being small is a very good thing you can fit in a shelve to take it apart.

Fairly was having a track meet and was way over his head in everything and needed help Callie, Destiny, and I said we would help him out and work the table and sell shirts. That was a very hot day and being on that track was just horrible! It made it like 20 degrees hotter than it really was. That track meet seemed to go on forever and once it was almost done he allowed us to leave so we left and I don't know about them but I took an ice cold shower when I got home. One thing I did learn was when it's hot out side do not stand on a track under a red canapé.

The last thing I did was work at the freshman orientation. I got to sign in all the new frosh and see what ones did not come so we could let them know what was going on. It was a lot of fun but it made me realize how much I'm going to miss this school. I can’t believe I'm a senior already half the frosh are taller than me. Even my own little sister is. The one thing I learned about my self by doing this is parents really appreciate someone that knows what there doing and helping them out.

After all my community service was done I still did more just because it made me fill well about helping out other people that needed the help. I went to the horse sanctuary and worked there all the time and the haven humane society just because it makes me fill good that I'm helping others out. There is so much everyone could do for this community so why not go help everyone you can.

Monday, May 4, 2009


if i was there right now i would be very mad. I think thats not right at all that only guys are allowed to go to school and learn. if it was tlike that here ther would be some very very mad girls cause guys are always put before girl and we have tryed so hard to prove anything a guy can do a girl can do too. having an education is very important to all of us witouht it we wouldent have anything. notihng would ever be the same...